Move from payer to partner

In an increasingly regulated context, with rising healthcare expenditure, and new entrants waiting to ambush, innovation is not a luxury but a necessity to achieve differentiation. Insurers play a crucial role in the health sector worldwide but their role varies significantly depending on country-specific health and welfare policies. On the international stage, the common factor is that insurers need to change and are trying to move from a simple “payer role” to become a partner, a reference point (a “player”) for all their customers' health-related needs.

How can insurers transform successfully?

Choosing the digital revolution to enhance your player role is a great opportunity.

Digitisation is penetrating the healthcare sector the same way it has penetrated all other activities of daily life. It allows the connection of 3 main stakeholders: patients, healthcare providers and insurers, which are the key players in the health chain.

It offers tremendous opportunities for tomorrow's health in terms of prediction, prevention, patient participation and personalization. Two main advantages for insurers: the possibility to realize cost savings, and to increase customer loyalty through customized services.

Cegedim covers the entire value chain with high value added solutions

Cegedim capitalizes on its 45 years’ experience covering the entire health value chain to propose high value added solutions that help you transform your business and becoming a real Care Partner. It’s the only partner dedicated to health with solutions both for insurers and healthcare providers, able to accompany them in their transformation thanks to a global approach.

Digital innovations to support the insurers' revolution

To help insurers play a new role in the healthcare system, Cegedim proposes the valorization of new services, at each stage of the healthcare journey.


Big Data

Big Data

Big Data causes a fundamental transformation. This is not unreasonable: volume, variety and speed of creation of information have never been so high. Insurers need to analyze this data, which will allow a hyper-customization of service and prices, adjusted in real time for all customers and creating a "tailored industrialized" offering for eatch and every one of them. With our Big Data offering, we will walk alongside you on your transformative journey solution to ensure it leads to success.

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Rather than waiting for illnesses to strike to commence treatment, healthcare providers are now focusing on preventing them. This allows patients to stay healthy in the long run and insurers to save costs, as prevention is cheaper than cure.
Cegedim Insurance Solutions offers a digital platform which provides customers with a complete, personalized solution using a range of value-added tools and content. With  MyWellnessPartner, you can manage and optimize your health every day with coaching programs and monitoring tools. And MyHospiPartner delivers a range of services to obtain support before, during and after a hospital stay. These solutions are connected to the healthcare providers' systems we provide, so that they may promote them to their patients.

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              Healthcare providers assessment

Healthcare providers assessment

Throughout the illness period, insurers will guide and take care of diagnosed and sick patients. Thanks to our digital assessment platform, they can enjoy real-time information of their healthcare network to provide better advice to patients regarding the best provider according to their need. They will also be able to communicate some provider ratings directly to patients via portals or mobile apps.
It will enable cost containment since it favours cost-effective providers and better negotiation of contracts, and will increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Indeed, the out-of-pocket expenses for patients are lowered and quality of treatment is optimised.

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Online appointement

Online appointments

To support patients during treatment, Cegedim Insurance Solutions also provides personalized healthcare services such as online appointment booking. With one click, patients can request an appointment at a medical center through the Web portal, selecting the most convenient time slot depending on the physician’s availability.

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Provide healthcare services to your patients when and where they need it. With Cegedim Video-consultation Service, certified healthcare professionals can offer patients an alternative way to receive care. This enables doctors to provide consultations with their patients when they are needed and perform vital check-ups and care anytime from anywhere.
Full integration with the health care record enables professionals to issue electronic prescriptions, notes, screenings and recordings of vital signs data.

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Electronic Health Record

Electronic Health Record

To better guide and care the patient, it’s important to maintain and manage health information on a single platform.
Cegedim Group's EHR solution is completely integrated with our teleconsultation system, so that information about electronic prescriptions, notes, screening and vital signs data can be added.

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Health Insurance Lifecycle Management Platform

Health Insurance Lifecycle Management platform

To connect this ecosystem, insurers need to implement a shared platform, linking its components to accelerate its digital transformation. This will improve the services enjoyed by your customers and contain processing costs by eliminating redundancies in data capture and automating the handling of low-value claims.

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Core System

Core system

Cegedim provides core systems for insurers and healthcare providers. These can connect to the digital solutions to feed the required data. They also provide a range of secured responsive portals to guarantee real-time information to all stakeholders.

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